RISE - Student Incentive Program Section
The administration is constantly improving The Seneca Way through staff professional development, student enrichment activities, and an educational program that is rich with Vocational and Dual Credit College course offerings. Our teachers, administration, and the Board of Education have found innovative pathways to prepare our students for an exciting future after Seneca High School. At every Board of Education meeting, we honor our Students of the Month, but we have also been honoring staff members and students with feats of “Success at SHS.” The hallways of Seneca High School have a fresh look to them, that celebrates Success at SHS and beams with Irish Pride. This Fall, when Irish fans see the new gymnasium for the first time, they will be excited to see the recent additions to the hallways, from the Irish Pride and Seneca Way murals in the Commons, the FFA celebration wall, and the historic Athletic Hallway on your way to the new gym
Once again, thank you to our staff, our RISE leaders, and students for their outstanding dedication to their academic success.
Mark Giertz
Dean of Students