Breakfast and Lunch Program

Free and Reduced Lunch Application and School Fee Waiver

The following information is in regards to the Free & Reduced Lunch Program and School Fee Waiver Form for the school year. Included, you will find the state income eligibility requirements that each household must meet in order to be approved for the Free & Reduced Lunch program, as well as the application and fee waiver form that need to be completed. 

If you have received a letter in the mail informing you that your student already has been approved, there is no need to complete these forms.

If not, please make sure to complete the application and waiver completely and submit the appropriate documents in order to eliminate delay in your student receiving benefits.

When completing the free and reduced lunch application, please be sure to fill in all required information. These sections include:

  • All Household Members: this is every person living in your household, whether they have income or not.

  • Check If No Income: If a member of your household does not have an income, indicate by checking the box on the same line as their name.

  • Names (List All Household Members with Income): List every member of your household that has an income. These individuals should be listed in both this section and all the All Household Members section.

  • Social Security Number: The last four digits of the adult who will be signing the application.

  • Signature: The signature of the adult completing the application who provided their Social Security Number.

Once you have completed the state application, please complete the School Fee Waiver Form. Both forms will have to be filled out completely and correctly before you student will be approved or denied benefits. Once this process is complete, you will receive a letter in the mail informing you of their status. If you have any questions, please contact the main office at 815-357-5002.

Application for Free & Reduced Meals:

Follow this link to download and complete the application for free and reduced meal prices: 2024-2025 Application (English) / Application (Spanish)

Be sure to print the completed application, and send the completed form to the school (forms can be mailed or dropped off at the mail office). You may also wish to save a copy to your computer for your reference. Applications are also available upon request in the main office if you do not have access to a printer.

School Fee Waiver Form:

Follow this link to download and complete the application for the School Fee Waiver Form. The same eligibility data will be used to determine approval as the Free & Reduced Meal price application. Seneca Township High School Fee Waiver Form. Please return to Seneca High School when you have completed the waiver.

  • The Free and Reduced Lunch application must be downloaded and returned to the main office. You may do this by attaching the completed forms and sending via email Attendance, mail the application to Seneca High School, or drop the applications off in person at the Seneca High School main office.

  • The Textbook Waiver application must be downloaded and returned with all the appropriate documents to the guidance office.  You can also mail, or drop the application off in person at the high school or email K Ruder.  It is your responsibility to confirm receipt of applications by the school.

  • The submission of these applications is separate from this registration process.

  • The Free & Reduced Lunch Application and School Fee Waiver Form are separate forms and must BOTH be completed.

  • You will be notified by the school via mail once the application(s) have been reviewed.