Media Center

Phone :  815-357-5062

Hours:  Monday - Friday 7:30 A.m. To 3:00 P.m.

7:30 Am -  Noon On Half-day Attendance 

Jodi Trager,  Media Director  Email Jodi Trager

Allison Peterson, Consulting Librarian Email Allison Peterson

Check Out The Variety Of Genres And Reading Formats Available In The Shs Media Center!!!

Stop in the Media Center before school, during SST, or after school to see what new books we have!   Login with your School Google account to browse the  Destiny Discover Collections.

Destiny Discover Collections

Students Check the Green due date card inside the book's pocket for the most current due date.   All books should be returned in a timely manner, or library privileges will be suspended.  Students who have outstanding obligations at the end of the school year will be placed on the HOLDS list in the Main Office.

Quick Links

The Library (Indie Illinois and RAILS Community Collections) is available to everyone in Illinois, courtesy of RAILS, regardless of whether they have a library card. Items on this platform have no holds, no waits, and can be accessed simultaneously via Library Website

Visit or Email the Media Center to obtain passwords to log into Databases when away from school or to get information on how to download APPs for use on LapTops, Tablets & Smart Phones.

Carry your information resources around in your pocket!

Reader's Advisory Listings

Reading Incentive Program

Read For A Lifetime

Read for a Lifetime is a statewide reading program created for high school students. This initiative promotes the enjoyment of reading by encouraging students to read both classic and contemporary literature and rewards them for their efforts. By participating in the program, students develop a love of books and reading that will last a lifetime.  Students can stop in the Media Center to sign up, or email the school library associate with any questions.  All students who sign up for and participate in the Read for a Lifetime program must meet the 4 book minimum requirement by the April 11th due date.  A four book reporting will qualify the reader for a completion certificate from the State of Illinois, and a 6 book reporting will qualify the reader for the SHS Media Center reading incentive reward.  Read for a Lifetime is a reading incentive program sponsored by the Illinois State Library and the Seneca High School Media Center.

News "U" Can Use

Need To Recharge Your Laptop And Get Some Work Done???  Sign-in To The Media Center And You Can Do Both!   The Media Center Is Available For Student Use Before School, During Sst, And After School.  

Destiny Discover is our school library's online catalog of hard copy and digital book resources. 

This catalog displays the items that our school owns and are available to students and staff for checkout.  The catalog can be found by clicking on the  Destiny Discover icon that is displayed on the Media Center webpage and in the Student and Staff APP on the laptops.  Students can login to Destiny Discover using their school Google account.  By logging in with Google, students can place holds, check out digital e-books and e-audiobooks, and create a book review.  Email Media Center or visit the Media Center for assistance.  You do not need to login to Destiny to browse the catalog or check out hardcopy books when visiting the Media Center.

Gale Databases are available to all students and staff.  Gale is a subscription service that provides hundreds of e-books, thousands of pre-approved magazine and journal articles, images, videos, and reports to assist with your research.  The variety of databases are helpful and reliable resources for information seekers.  See the QUICK LINKS at the top of this page for the database links.  All of the subscription databases contain MLA / APA work cited information.

Students:  If you need help with sure to ask our friendly Media Center staff for some assistance.  They have been trained in Web Research and can show you how to obtain reliable resources from the Internet that will assist with your MLA/APA required resources.   MC staff can show you how to use our school's Databases or also help you in finding just the right book for your reading needs.  

Students….Check out popular e-books and e-audiobooks anytime, anywhere by using the e-Read Illinois Boundless. This free service is accessible to everyone, even during school breaks and summer months, too!   There are thousands of Teen related titles currently in the system.  Note: You may have to put a more popular title on HOLD, but if you entered your email when registering, you will get notified when the hold is ready. 

You can download the Boundless App to your smart phones, laptops, or tablets and enjoy quick and easy access to e-books and e-audiobooks.

A school email is sent to all SHS Students periodically throughout each school year to notify you on how to gain access.  Check your school email and search for keywords Boundless or eRead IL.  You can stop in the Media Center or email the Media Center if you need assistance signing up.

"Check-out" the Media Center Window Display!

The next time you are in the Media Center hallway, take a peek at the books in the display window.  Do not hesitate to ask in the Media Center if you can see one that looks intriguing to you.  Then check it out to read!

Irish guy with books