Irish Care Closet

Seneca High School has taken extra strides to make sure that our student's basic needs are being met and to minimize barriers students may be facing to their education. We know that according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, needs lower in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to higher needs, such as their education. The lowest part of the hierarchy is physiological needs (i.e., food and clothing). Here at SHS, we are ensuring that we are equipped to meet all our students' needs. One of these ways is our Irish Care Closet resource, which is available to students and families of SHS.

The Irish Care Closet is a one-stop shop that meets all our students' basic needs. In the care closet, students can find clothing, shoes, socks, hygiene products, school supplies, formal/interview wear, etc. Students can visit the Irish Care Closet anytime, no questions asked. The Irish Closet has a permanent location within the building to house all these items. Students are welcome to grab items they need throughout the day. If the student does not feel comfortable visiting the care closet, they are welcome to fill out the Google Form below. In the Google Form, students have the option to request to visit the care closet and/or have the option to request items and pick-up locations. Students have the option to pick up the items in Mrs. Leake's office or the guidance office or have the option to have the items placed discreetly in their locker. The form is not required to visit the care closet. Students are welcome to visit anytime.

If you have any questions regarding the Irish Care Closet or would like to donate items, please contact Sam Leake, SHS School Social Worker. Email Sam Leake or 815-357-5000.