Preventing Bullying, Intimidation, Teen Dating Violence, Harassment, & Cyberbullying

Seneca High School will not tolerate bullying, intimidation, teen dating violence and harassment, which diminish a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate. Preventing students from engaging in these disruptive behaviors is an important school goal.

Bullying on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender-related identity or expression, ancestry, age, religion, physical or mental disability, order of protection status, status of being homeless, or actual or potential marital or parental status, including pregnancy, association with a person or group with one or more of the aforementioned actual or perceived characteristics, or any other distinguishing characteristic is prohibited in each of the following situations:

  • During any school sponsored education program or activity.

  • While in school, on school property, on school buses or other school vehicles, at designated school bus stops waiting for the school bus, or at school sponsored or school sanctioned events or activities.

  • Through the transmission of information from a school computer, a school computer network, or other similar electronic school equipment.

For purposes of this policy, the term bullying means any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, directed toward a student that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:

  • Placing the student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or property.

  • Causing a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s physical or mental health.

  • Substantially interfering with the student’s academic performance.

  • Substantially interfering with the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.

Bullying, intimidation, teen dating violence and/or harassment may take various forms, including without limitation: threats, stalking, physical violence, sexual harassment, sexual violence, theft, public humiliation, destruction of property, or retaliation for asserting or alleging an act of bullying. For purposes of this policy, the term bullying includes harassment, intimidation, teen dating violence, retaliation, and school violence.

A student who is being bullied is encouraged to immediately report it orally or in writing to the District Complaint Manager, Nondiscrimination Coordinator or any staff member with whom the student is comfortable speaking. Anyone who has information about actual or threatened bullying is encouraged to report it to the District Complaint Manager, Nondiscrimination Coordinator or any staff member. The school will not punish anyone because he or she made a complaint or report, supplied information, or otherwise participated in an investigation or proceeding, provided the individual did not make a knowingly false accusation or provide knowingly false information. The school will protect students against retaliation for reporting incidents of bullying, intimidation, teen dating violence or harassment, and will take disciplinary action against any student who participates in such conduct.

Harassing, dissing, flaming, denigrating, impersonating, outing, tricking, excluding, and cyber stalking are all examples of cyberbullying. Emails or comments sent with the intent of scaring, hurting, humiliating, or intimidating someone else will not be tolerated. Engaging in these behaviors, or any online activities intended to harm (physically or emotionally) another person, will result in severe disciplinary action and loss of privileges. Cyberbullying is a crime and authorities will be notified. Remember that your activities are monitored and retained.

Nondiscrimination Coordinator:
Mrs. Jill Rockrohr --307 E. Scott Street Seneca, IL 61360 (815) 357-5085

Complaint Managers:
Mr. Mark Giertz --307 E. Scott Street Seneca, IL 61360 (815) 357-5081
Mr. Mike Coughlin --307 E. Scott Street Seneca, IL 61360 (815) 357-5005